Advanced warning - Bucks Open Studios 2016

6 February 2016

We're in, dear reader, we're in!

Much trauma and skidding under the wire at the last minute, but we are in. 

"In to what?" I hear you cry! 

Now, you might recall how Bloomin wonderful our BOS gig was last year. Three of us from Milton Keynes - Jane, Yvonne and myself - linked via a city and guilds thread got our act into gear and, using the space I have here at my home from home, hosted our very first Open Studios. This was as part of the annual Buckinghamshire arts celebration that is Open Studios.  So enthused was I by our experience that I waxed lyrical and even had an article published here!

Well this year there is no guarantee that I'm going to be at the same house (a whole saga in itself, but let's not get distracted by that bit of stress) so where to go? 

Well, we had Yvonne's house in mind - lovely but a few logistical issues. And then someone had the bright idea to use the new gallery at Christ the Cornerstone church in MK I reported about here

Bit of diary checking, and it was free - yay! 

Next, the initiative with the church is supposed to include the Arts Central artists co-op in MK. We are all members though I'm not an active one.

And there's a lot of gallery space at the church, so very quickly (we are talking literally a couple of days) we had to see if anyone else was interested and get their commitment. 

And we did it, with me filling in the application at the 11th hour. And if you want any proof, here it is.

So - dates for your diary:

Bucks Open Studios will run from 11th to 26th June 2016.

We will be at Christ the Cornerstone on all weekends - 11, 12: 18, 19: 25, 26 and also on Wednesdays 15 and 22.

We will promote it nearer the time, but do come and see us.

And to give you a flavour a few pics from last year.


  1. Well done Hilary, I'm sure it will be fantastic. I hope the uncertainty over your house is soon resolved happily.

    1. Thanks Julie - I am really looking forward to it again. In reality 8 artists together means it really should be a good show and we should hopefully have a lot of footfall and maximum promotion.


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