Another alternative tour of London.

14 January 2013

More ideas for an alternative textile trip to London!

You may recall that some while ago I posted several blogs about my textile orientated wanderings around the heady delights of Soho.

Well I was recently running around for Son No 1 again, but this time I was headed for the Goldhawk Road in Shepherds bush.

Now, the Goldhawk Road isn't pretty and it's not very convenient (you can just pop to Soho, but you have to schlep west to Shepherds Bush) but it is worth a visit.  All the shops, and there are lots of them and in the very small stretch of road between the Green and Goldhawk Road tube station (with a few also dotted down the Market, but I did not have time to explore those).

The outside of many of the shops suggest sari fabric, but that's just the glitz and glamour to get you in.  And they do vary (both in terms of stock and size) but they are definately worth a visit.


  1. Those shops are so great, particularly Classic Textiles. The whole area is however up for redevelopment, and there is concern amongst the traders that they will lose their shops. There is a local campaign to make sure that the shops continue in some form.

    1. Of course, being a Londoner you already knew this! It was all a bit of a revelation to me. I did not know about the proposed redevelopment - but I guess the market in particular is ripe and if there are any proposals to do anything with the railway line the surrounding buildings will be affected. There are a few similar shops in East London, but nothing like this. A textile treasure, and I never knew it.


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