Bramble Patch Exhibition

8 April 2012

If you are anywhere near Weedon before next Saturday, when it finishes, then pop along to the Bramble Patch.

They are hosting a lovely exhibition (in aid of Macmillan Cancer Care ) which includes fabulous work by some of the students doing 'the day a month' courses (damn the day job, or I would be doing one too!).

And they have some lovely work by the wonderful Angie Hughes.

Feast your eyes on this lot.

The piece on the left is by Joan Mason, the details are given below.

This was a beautiful piece of art cloth by Karen Scannell - dyed and then over printed with flour paste screens, thermofax screens and hand made stamps.

And these delightful mini quilts by Diana Sharville.

And then of course the lovely work by Angie Hughes (and I treated myself to one of her Icons).


  1. Yes - we could do with a Bramble Patch of our own on the Southcoast. I am not really aware of anything similar.


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