The Art Shed

21 June 2016

The downside with Open Studios is not having the time to visit other studios because you are busy in your own.

Thus it was last year and it's pretty much the same this year - as we enter the second week I have failed dismally to go and see anyone else's work. The simple fact is the day job prevents me gallivanting all around the place during the week.

But last weekend I did manage a studio visit.  And all the way away in Kent!

It was my Mum's birthday Saturday, so I went down there and took her out to lunch. A lovely day.

And I stayed over night and left to come back to MK after lunch on Sunday.

But my artistic antennae were on good form and somehow I had discovered that the same fortnight as Bucks Open Studios it was South East Open Studios - another artistic celebration of a similar scale to Bucks.

And I also discovered that textile artist Anne Kelly lives about 15 minutes from my Mum. So, a quick detour on the way home!

Now apart from anything else, I have got serious shed envy!

This is just a corner of Annes shed - all set up for SEOS. She was sharing her space with a printmaker and a water colour artist too. (The good thing about Annes shed was that it was a modest space in a typical urban garden - nothing too grand but cosy and welcoming.)

Up close and personal, Anne's technique is fascinating. She uses a machine programmed stitch to stitch on top of the collages she makes to tie the work together. You can see lots more of her work if you visit her blog page too.

Now you may have seen the publicity - Anne has recently written a fabulous new book. 

And I got to have a flick through the display copy.

And I really need another book to add to my ever growing collection.  And I suggest you might too.

It's not a 'how to' book. Yes, there are tips and techniques in there. But it is a book packed with inspiration and pure loveliness.  A textile artists must have.

And it gets better.

Anne has got a gallery at the Knitting and Stitching shows and it will be on Buglife. And you can join in. You can make a bug for Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation trust - to be displayed at the Gallery at the Knitting and Stitching shows in London and Harrogate this Autumn.Your bug can be stitched, knitted or crocheted.

Get in touch with Anne for more details. You can contact her via her website here. 

1 comment

  1. Thank you Hilary for a lovely post and for visiting! See you soon :) x


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