5 Colour Printing - a little celebration

24 May 2012

Because it worked!

I made 5 separate print blocks using craft foam.   First of all I created a colour design on paper- you might recognize the final print image from the the post on repeat patterns.  In that post where I shared an image of 9 quick sketches. I based this print image on the little sketch on the top right hand corner of the grid.

It took a  bit of concentration to cut and  paste the various pieces of the jigsaw puzzle onto the various bits of card.

And then I printed!  With much trepidation, block at a time, I carefully placed the blocks, and it worked!!  After each different block I got more excited as the pattern emerged. (for this I used a liquid acrylic paint).

I am feeling rather chuffed with this!


  1. Replies
    1. It does. It took a bit of brain power, but the final outcome was definitely worth it. H

  2. V ery nice! I was wondering where you were going with that, when I saw the first couple of pics

    1. thanks for your comment Carrie. I have to decide how to take this forward - if indeed I want to. I was going to do some more printing this evening, but I got a bit side tracked with dyeing and colouring some papers. I'll try to do some more printing over the weekend.

  3. Good work well documented H
    Looking forward to seeing more samples :)
    J x

    1. Hoping for a bit of time off from gardening this weekend. It's a Hampshire weekend - I am heading off early Saturday but I will take all my art stuff with me.


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