Experimenting with pattern

11 May 2012

I will never look at wall paper in the same way again!

And I really now appreciate how hard those Victorian pattern specialists must have worked, because I have been cheating a bit (with a modern hewlett packard printer!!)

I have been using the 'tiles' that I created a while ago, photocopied them (a few times) and then cut them up and stuck them down to create slightly different repeat patterns.

Then, using tracing paper, I have traced images to make them stand alone and to get a feeling for how they might look.

I am quite please with some of the results, which I think I might develop further as Thermofax screens.


  1. phew! Good to see your work this week, if only all the G&G's ladies kept a blog, I could keep a beady eye on you all! goo thoughts and practice as always :)

  2. Ah thanks Jane!! Working with tracing paper is quite a useful way to see how a design might work out. And keeping the blog is remarkably good discipline. I feel that because I have followers I need to keep them amused and it does focus the mind.

    Frenetic at work this week so off home now to do more gentle sketchbooking and design work etc. I might try to create a multi coloured stamp - or rather series of stamps to make a multi coloured image! I'll see how the muse takes me.


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