Flowering Skin

26 April 2015

I think I have mentioned it before, but I find the work by Welsh artist Clive Hicks-Jenkins truly mesmerising and powerful.  It is my secret ambition (well not so secret now, since I am sharing it here) to own one of his pieces.

But that day is a little way off, so in the meantime I just enjoy his blog posts.

One lovely thing about Clive is that he shares the process - you get a real sense how he works from the various photographs that he shares. It is a very generous thing to do.

One recent example is Flowering Skin - you can follow the link and see how the work developed.  If you have time, I urge you to have a wander around his various posts, because as comprehensive as this description is, it does not include all the preparatory work he carries out assembling mquettes of his subjects and models for backgrounds etc. to help him build the composition of the picture.  But you will find all of that elsewhere on his blog.  You will just have to have a little hunt around.

He has also posted a similar piece about another work, Drift.

He is using horse imagery a lot lately.  You will find explanations for that on his blog too, but you might want to have a read about the background of the Mari Lwyd here. Obviously, his own experience goes much deeper.

Let me know what you think - as I say I am a real fan.


  1. It's the colors that grab me - particularly that red. And when he pairs it with that blue - well, it sends shock waves - good ones! But even when not using intense juxtapositioned colors like in many of the still-life's, it's the color that impresses and holds me.

    1. Yes - I agree. The colours are very powerful. And I love the way that he uses crayon ( I think inks an oil based crayon) to add the shading. His work really does blow my mind.

      And he also seems such a nice person. It comes through the blog pages.


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