Revisit to The Garden Studio

11 April 2015

I have blogged about it before - The garden studio of my good friends Rob and Andy.

On my last visit things had progressed. There is now an asparagus bed alongside the studio with two climbing plants ready to take off and cover the walls in a rampant, lush growth. (Ok, so you have to use your imagination just a tad). 

Two of Robs amazing heads now hang either side of the entrance door together with two topiary trees  to give it all a bit of class – in fact, the entrance is  really welcoming.

So I herded troops and took the opportunity for a group photo.

That's my boy (blond one), their stunning dog Molly looking up adoringly at Rob and my daughters dogs Koda (ther big ginger one) and Little Lola - I was dog sitting them.

The shed, sort of reminiscent of a classy railway carriage, is 6 m x 3 m. They have divided The space in half. The section nearest the door is to be a display area with free standing shelving and hooks to hang all the mugs. The area at the back, which has a working sink with running hot and cold water (luxury), will be of the working area. The kiln is not housed in this shed. It is a beast and will reside in the garage.

It feels a lovely place to work already, even though it is still being set up. They white washed the walls which gives a lovely airy light feeling inside. There is a lovely white vinyl flooring, which does rather show every paw print, but also adds to the airy feel.

And just to tempt you!

You can buy online  or, if you are in the vicinity (Gosport, Hampshire) pop round for a browse.  They are lovely, welcoming people.

And if you fancy a Garden Studio of your own, here is the link.  (and also a demonstration of how a bit of imagination can transform a rather ordinary looking shed!)  By the way, if you are tempted, they invested in additional insulation in the roof and floor - this has to be an all year space.


  1. Thanks for the link to the studios website. Wow. Never seen so many variations on a shed. I want.

    1. Me too!! Envy is a terrible thing!

      Actually what I really want is the time and energy to sort out my own rampant mess. It could be just as lovely, it just looks like hell. I'm sooooooo messy!

  2. Annabel - well having just spent a day with Laura in her 'Garden Shed' my case of shed envy has now gone stratospheric!

    So I want too!

    The great thing with Rob and Andy is the vision! Those sheds on that website look, well, uninspiring. But a bit of paint, some imaginative planting and the whole thing is transformed.

    In scale to Laura's, about half the size (but then they aren't holding classes) and I couldn't get over Laura's loo and kitchen!

    And the sun shone! And you have to cross a river to get to her house! Bliss.

    Hope you are well and that Bilston is not causing too much panic.


  3. Honestly, I am not sure whether to drool more over the studio or the contents! Oooooo....I suspect that if I had a shed like that I'd just move in there!

    I had a look - via your link - at the range of goodies....oh my. Favourites would be the 'Florafauna' and 'Candy' ranges. Yep. *sigh*

    Thank you for being lovely and supporting my bloggy efforts! Sending big hugs from Shroo:)xx

    1. I love their work.

      I like the Flora and Fauna too, but I'm a fan of the rampant glazes as well.

      I have quite a lot of their work. Life is too short not to drink tea or coffee out of decent China IMHO!

      Thanks Shroo.


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