Mono print to mixed media

19 May 2015

The Open Studios is now less than three weeks away.

It is interesting to try to imagine how this will work - how will it look (there are 3 of us sharing this space and to be honest I don't know how our work will look together.  We are all quite different - more traditional, vintage and me!)

Talking to my lovely friends Rob and Andy last weekend, they quite rightly said that we need to have some items at more accessible prices.

So this weekend, I set to to create a small range of pictures that have a more accessible price point.  It will be interesting to see how that works.

So first of all I dug out a batch of mono printing tissue papers.  I did these ages ago. Simple mono printing using a heavy body acrylic paint loosened up with retarder so that it does not dry too quickly and stick the tissue to the printing plate!

I stuck the tissue down to khaki paper with matt medium.

Then I painted the image with slightly diluted Fresco Finish paints - choosing colours that are opaque so that the shadowing from the printing is not obliterated.  In my opinion, it is the smudges that give the printing the character.

Once painted, I emphasised the leaves by sticking little pieces of printed paper cut from the pages of an old dictionary.  (That was fiddly but there was a good play on the iPlayer!)  Again I used matt medium.

Next stage - audition some sheer organzas.  I love stitching through organza - cheap nylon organza nothing fancy and certainly not silk (not for this anyway) and it ties the whole thing together.

Machine embroidery.

And then finishing with hand beading. Those threads are still to be tidied up.

Right - still not quite finished, but they are smaller (they will be mounted in display mounts with 10 x 8 apertures) and actually could make quite a nice statement if displayed together - though I am not intending to frame them at the moment.  I might, though, change my mind about that!  We will have to see how it goes.

And just look at this messy corner of my desk!  It was all tidy a couple of weeks ago!


  1. Good luck - the time before an exhibition is always a headache!

    1. Thanks so much. It's now all about presentation and promotion I think!

  2. Lovely work. Good luck at the opening.

    1. Sherrie thanks. I'd invite you over but there is the small matter of an enormous land mass and a vast ocean between us.

      Thanks for your ongoing support.

  3. I love those pieces, especially the vibrant pink stitching. Good luck with the exhibition, and it's nice to know someone else creates mess too!


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