More Inspiration for backgrounds
31 January 2015
More inspirational videos to share with you.
First up a little tag. Now what I love about this is the texture.
Have a little look...
Making Backgrounds (because you can never have enough backgrounds)
27 January 2015
It feels as though it has been all about backgrounds so far this year.
First of all there were the printed backgrounds here and here....
Grow Your Blog Party 2015
25 January 2015
I am a bit late to the party!
All the best plans.........
Anyway, better late than never! So here I go - plunging...
Getting Ready To Sell
19 January 2015
For many years I lived in South London and worked in Westminster. I commuted either by bus or latterly by bicycle.
And every work...
Cricket Pavilion Envy
19 January 2015
Which probably sounds like a bonkers title for a blog post.
But it is true - I have got Cricket Pavilion envy. It's a genuine condition...
Mark Hearld Part 3 and Finish
13 January 2015
And what a great way to get back into the swing of things! A bit of pattern making and some gentle card making.
On reflection, it would...
Mark Hearld Part 2
11 January 2015
This is a bit of a pattern heavy post. Get your sunglasses out!
But to break you in gently, here's a bird!
If you...
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