Building up my stash of background papers

25 February 2015

First up, bargain basement ribbon.

The moral of this little haul is keep your eyes open. You never know where little gems will turn up. This lot came from TK Maxx. 

Next, some more background papers, again using Pages from an old road atlas.

I applied gesso through a variety of stencils. 

This last one is a hand cut leaves stencil. You can just about make out some of the leaves.

Paint ( yes, it's those again, though I have decided I am going to treat myself to more). 

Brayered onto the gesso covered paper. 

Inktense pencils shaded on. 

And then water applied to blend the ink and make the colours sing. 

From a texture point of view, the squares were the least satisfactory. 

My lovely tidy work table, ahem. 

A good evenings work. 


  1. Love the textures.......stencils are brill aren't they?! I treated myself to a Brother scan n cut so I can make my own......having oooooooo much fun with it!😁

    1. Oh Chris!!! I am literally green with envy.

      What do you use for stencils? Mylar? If so, where do you get it? So many questions.

    2. I'm using a large roll of "something" that I picked up in my local recycling depot. It's thin, but works brilliantly. I suppose it's about the weight of OHP film...which I am also using.
      I had a look online for Mylar and found some rolls of thinnish stuff for about £60 (50m x 25cms) but I have so much of this other stuff from the recycling that I doubt I'll have to buy anything else for quite a while!! It may not last as long as mylar, but I can always cut another one if I need to.
      At the minute I'm spraying the back with repositionable glue then storing them in a display folder. I filled up the pockets with sheets of paper and then store the stencils on the outsides. Easy-peasy and keeps them safe.
      If we get to meet up sometime.....I'll bring the toy along with me and you can stock up!! :-)

    3. I need to rummage around the recycling depot!

  2. These are just fabulous Hilary, I shall look forward to seeing what you do with them!

  3. I love your papers - the combination of colours is so bright and lively, and I like the fact you can still see traces of the maps through them. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog earlier - I very much appreciate your kind comments.

    1. Diana, lovely to meet you and thank you for stopping by my blog.

  4. Gosh, this is so helpful and inspirational for me. As you know, I had questions about the use of gesso so this is of particular interest. And again - examples of how to use the inktense pencils. Thank you!

    1. The gesso I use is quite thick - others are more watery I think - so when it dries it leaves a texture. And it has a chalky feel so makes a toothy surface for other paint and inks that I think would otherwise just run off the paper.

      H xx


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