Hearts - Part I

1 February 2015

So, a new book/get well card is brewing.

My great friend Rob, who I have mentioned on this blog many times (he of Rob Turner China ) is in hospital.

He is a bit poorly.

Actually, he is really a lot poorly.

He has a dicky ticker and has had surgery.

We all knew this was on the cards, but it seems that, for what ever reason, the hospital found him a bed sooner rather than later and suddenly he was in hospital and having major surgery.

Well, I rushed out and bought a get well card, but in my mind another book was brewing - a cross between a book and a get well card and Heart themed.

So I have made a start.

I am using lining paper - I mean the sort of paper you buy in rolls from DIY stores that is used to line a wall before a patterned paper is hung.  There are several weights.  I cannot recall exactly what weight mine is, but its about mid range.

Lining paper has a 'soft' feel to it.  Almost as though it were on it's way to being fabric.

Using a commercial stencil I dabbed on some gesso.

Then I selected my palette.

I also ripped a page out of an old road atlas and applied the gesso to that - also through the stencil.

Here is the gessoed paper - with the first layer of paint (applied with a brayer).

And again but with some green now.

Then I 'shaded' over parts of the paper with a red Ink Tense pencil.

And then applied water to the pencil to make the colour sing out.

I slept on this, but when out walking the dog decided to also use some Brusho inks. 

I apply the brusho as a dry powder and then spritz with water.  It gives a lovely effect. 

Meanwhile, I also added Brusho powders to the gessoed road atlas pages (still wet in this picture).

But almost dry here.

And then I turned my attention to the cover. 

For this I am using a box, previously covered with brown paper to give a good surface on which to work, with cut out hearts (cut out from calico) adhered with matt medium. 

Then a liberal cover of gesso. 

You can see that the box is in three sections.  I did not completely pull it apart.  I think this is going to be another concertina book. 

Paint brayered on. 

I've introduced another colour - Claret.  I felt the colour was a bit too wishy washy and a bit of richness was needed.

Next I drew some hearts onto red paper (this is like rag paper but not quite so thick) and coloured them with gold a Oil Stick.

And I also used the oil sticks (gold and a metallic red) on the cover.  Using a mask cut from paper for the heart shape.

Meanwhile, I had brayed some Claret over the atlas pages (again, on its own, the Brusho was too wishy washy)

And then I stencilled on some god oil stick. 

Meanwhile, just to give a bit more sparkle, I painted some sparkle glue on top of the paper hearts.

To be continued. 


  1. Wow girl!! You sure are having some fun there!!

    Carry on....I'll be watching for further developments :-)

    x C

    1. There's lots of snipping of hearts going on just now. Hopefully assemblage will start later.

  2. This all looks lots of fun, I shall look forward to seeing how things develop.

    1. I'm done and I did a video. See Hearts III. Hope you can see it and let me know what you think.

  3. Hi, I'm visiting from the GYBP and have really enjoyed reading your blog. I think art should evolve and it's wonderful to see the directions your art is leading you.

    1. I've been busy snipping hearts but this afternoon the sewing machine is coming out and some of those pages are going to start coming together.

      Thanks for dropping by and your lovely comment. Hilary

  4. Wow - love what happened when you applied that Ink Tense pencil!

    1. I know. They really made the gesso shapes pop. That feels like a technique with a lot of potential.

      I am all done now (having wrestled with the technology - grrr!) let me know what you think of the finished book.

      Hilary xxx


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