So many books

10 March 2015

A bit of a browse along my bookshelves makes me realise just how many textile, technique or art related books I have.

These are but a tiny selection!

I've shared this one before - I'm such a fan of Mark Hearld. 

Do you have a lot of books like this? 

If I am honest, there are some that I hardly look at and some that I really don't like.  I suppose I really ought to do a cull.  

But then again, they're sitting on the shelf, not doing anyone any harm. Ok, they might collect a bit of dust, but I can live with a bit of dust (which is a good thing because the housework muse visits very rarely!)

And if I am having a dry patch, then they can be very comforting (just like reading other peoples blogs - they're a comfort too!) 


  1. Love your bookshelf collection!! I cannot bear to part with my textile books but the piles of books that won't fit on the shelves is getting dangerously tall....what to do, what to do!!!???!!!

    1. Ha ha - I'm very familiar with piles of books too. At 'home' we have some precarious erections ready to topple over at a moments notice. We are hoping to sell the house at home ( my live work arrangements being what they are I'm almost never there) which I'm sure will necessitate a mega cull there.

      And I haven't even got onto my daughters books!

  2. You're not alone. I have shelves of "reference" books reflecting my progress & changing interests throughout my lengthy creative journey. Like you, some have not been cracked open in awhile. I shed quite a few in the last move & could probably part with more but at the moment they are doing no harm. I guess they ARE a comfort, even when just sitting on the shelf waiting.

    1. Yes, they do rather document the creative journey, don't they. Early patchwork ones to later mixed media ones.

    2. Exactly! And don't forget the needlework & knitting books that preceeded as well as general art & photography ones... Aren't books just the best?!

    3. Ha ha, and then there are Daughter No 1's books too!!

  3. Wonderful selection, some I recognize, some I have, some I'm desperate to look inside! but I might have to invest in MH's work book, love his work.

    1. Any in particular and I could try to do a sneak peak or even a video?

  4. You just never know when you need to refer back to one of them, so keep them all! Especially that one with the most excellent cover design...


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