More Shed Envy

19 March 2015

This shed envy is getting to be a recurring problem.

A little while ago I think I mentioned that the lovely Laura Kemshall had got herself a cricket pavilion.  I had a bad case of Cricket Pavilion Envy.

This time, the shed in question belongs to my friends Rob and Andy. It's not a cricket pavilion so doesn't have the heritage and breeding that Laura's has, but in my opinion it is still a thing of beauty to be envied!

Here it is in their new garden up against the side wall.

In truth, this probably doesn't do it justice since it is looking a bit like a railway carriage, but it is far more handsome than this picture would suggest.

It is painted black because black is such a useful colour in a garden. It makes the object painted 'blend' in to the background. This will soon have climbing plants up the front wall here and an asparagus bed in front of it (the current plans anyway.)

It is 6m x 3m. In side this gives it the feel of two distinct spaces.

The inside walls have had a wash of white, and Rob and Andy put two small velux windows in the north facing roof slope. So it is full of light - ideal for artists.

Andy is running electric cables through plastic trunking and you can see that there are going to be plenty of power sockets.  The trunking fits neatly against the walls.

The floor and roof has added insulation that they have put in. They did not insulate the walls, so it will be interesting to see how cosy it gets in the height of winter and that it does not overheat in the summer. It was chilly the day I visited but felt comfortable inside.  The windows are double glazed.

Here you can see the full length. The far end will be the area with the decorating table etc. and has a sink (you can just see it on the right hand side) and the near end, close to the door, will be more of a display area.

The kiln is installed in the garage, and they will keep it there. This picture is taken from the garage door so they won't have miles to walk to fill and empty the kiln.

They are about to embark on a major remodelling exercise of the whole house (they moved in the autumn of last year) but having the studio set up and working will mean that while it is chaos all around they can still decorate lovely china. 

By the way, if you want to treat yourself, pop over and buy a couple of mugs. You can never have too many mugs, in my opinion. And life is too short not to drink your tea or coffee out of nasty mugs. 


  1. I'm with you on shed envy. There's something about a space that is part of the domestic, but sufficiently separate, and devoted to the art or craft, that is particularly appealing.

  2. ach ye I have shed envy too....!


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