Spanish Courtyard II

2 April 2015

Do you sometimes find that when you should be doing other things (tidying the unholy mess that I seem to create, finishing work already started, preparing for the Altered Books workshop with Laura Kemshall, working out how to send framed embroidery pieces to a show - rashly I did not think that one through!) suddenly, wham, you have to start a new piece.

I often seem to work in a series now. I should probably do more sketchbook work, but tend to just dive straight in when I am working in a series - only using a sketchbook when I start something really new, and even then probably not with the discipline that I should (all part of the untidy mind I guess).

Well, after my session with the paints (the neat rows of blobs) and the treasure gold, I was looking through my stash of mono print tissue papers, the ones I had already stuck onto rag paper, and another image jumped out at me.

You might remember this one.  Before stitching.

And after stitching -hmm not sure this is the best pic I could find. In reality it is better than this. 

Anyways, I had made more than one print from this image. I know the technique is called mono printing but just sometimes you can squeeze a second print from the plate.

Here is the second print with some stencilling started.

Stenciling with paint then using treasure gold as you can see.

Building up the diamonds with small paper diamond shapes stuck on (chocolate wrappers, since you ask).

Building up the paper collage, the strips of paper are painting dictionary pages (a bargain from the chartity shop for a £1.00 because some one had already cut some pages out).

This is a work in progress.  Moving onto the stitching next. I will be using organza again. 

Look out for the next instalment (which reminds me that I haven't shared Alchemy with you either, but that is ramping along and I did not take many photos as the work was proceeding). 


  1. Like the use of the diamond shapes. Had just watched a video demoing those new paints (?) of yours, marveling that application was with finger & how beautiful was their effect so it was exciting to see that you were trying them out & now see how you are applying them to your work.

    1. Thank you Sheila. I just love those paints, as you know, and now I have found Treasure Gold I wonder how I ever managed without it!

  2. Your prints are beautiful - I love the geometry of them and the squares and diamonds both work brilliantly with them. I especially like the red/green colour combo and the touch of Treasure Gold - lovely. Thanks very much for dropping by my desk earlier, I hope you have a great week,
    Diana #21

  3. Thanks for your comment Diana - I love your work very much too. Quite inspirational!


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