Through Our Hands, an international quilting exhibition (who said quilts were just for beds)

17 September 2012

I have textile heroes and heroines (and more likely they will be heroines) all around the world.

But one such is pretty close to home - I am a real fan of the wonderful Annabel Rainbow and her life quilt series is stunning.  I have watched the development of 'Life 4 - Hello dear, what did you do today' through her blog.

As well as being one of the artists showing in the Orientation Exhibition at Redditch she is also arranging an exhibition  at the Leamington Spa Art Gallery and Museum, from 18 October 2012 - 13 January 2013.

You can read more about the forthcoming exhibition here, and see a pic of Annabel and her wonderful quilt! 

Through Our Hands, an international quilting exhibition - Quilt Shows:


  1. Thank you so much for the link LTW/WTL! If you decide to come on the 19th do come and poke me in the ribs and say hi!!! x

    1. My pleasure Annabel - anytime.

      Plus I tweeted it too!

      Will try to get there!



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