Why do I blog?

30 September 2012

Why do I blog?

Why do I give myself the challenge of regular blogging?  Especially as at the moment I am going through a phase of being rather blocked and un-creative?  And then I get a bit worried that I cannot even blog properly.

Well, it’s easy really.

1. I have a stimulus – I don’t belong to a regular group and I don’t do frequent classes.  Having a blog gives me a reason and a purpose to do stuff – without it I might just lapse into doing nothing which would then just add to my frustration.

2. I meet people – when I set out on this blog journey I had no idea how people would find me (or indeed if any ever would) but now I have regular followers and people who comment on my blog.  And I feel I am becoming part of a unique creative community (and not just one in the UK – Kit pops by regularly and she is in Canada)

3. I get feedback – I put something up and people give me a bit of feedback – and I really welcome the constructive criticism.  I don’t show regularly (I haven’t really been very brave) but this is a way of dipping my toe in the water of getting my work out there

4. If I have found a technique I want to share it – adult training is part of the ‘day job’ so I guess it is in my make up!

Just writing this down, makes me feel better.  Right Whippet X wants a walk and I have books to do for Son No1 (all reasons why I cannot be creative!  But valid ones – not housework).


  1. I agree - i blog for the same reasons you do - but I have one more - I am hoping that one day my work will be 'noticed' and i might make some real money :-), so i could give up my day job. Keep going as i love to read what you are up to

    1. Hello Anna - how lovely to meet you. I have just dropped by your own blog by the way - wonderful, wonderful stuff.

      Now that other reason is very interesting. I don't ever expect to replace the 'day job' with my art, but I may (if he takes off) replace the day job with another one - working for Son No 1. On the basis of your queen of hearts piece i could see you doing theatre costume, or similar, and there is one person based in Deptford in south London who has managed to make this pay by doing a high class costume hire business, but with commissions available. If I can remember what she is called I will let you know.

      Hilary G

  2. Hey, I got a shout out! :) Like you, I'm liking the feedback. People used to come by and say "pretty" and though that was nice too, I like that people are saying "try this" or "I think you should..." it's really cool. :)

  3. Kit - you're right. For someone to say 'That's looking good' helps. Otherwise you are just working in a vacuum.

  4. Thank you for this blog I too am having a very dry time at the moment and your blog today has made me realise how important it is to write and keep in touch with other bloggers and I enjoy reading the daily happenings so much.Thank you again and have a wonderful creative day. Janetx

    1. Hi Janet - I notice that you have been a bit quiet. It's frustrating when you are dry isn't it, but I think without the blog these dry patches would just keep going. Already I think I have set down another path. And I have had some great comments. Thanks and looking forward to your next adventures!

      Ps - it's autumn here! How's it going in sunny Italy?

  5. I'm glad I'm not the only one going through this! I'm not sure where I found the time to blog before the summer break - since I've got back, I just haven't made it part of what I'm doing. I really need to sort this out, as I miss it, but I have found myself doubting.

    1. Blimey Iz - you're not going through a dry patch! Reading your blog this evening I see you are in creative overdrive! But lovely to think that you might be back 'cos I love reading your adventures.


      ps get your C&G students to blog what they are doing. You can keep an eye on them and we can share it as well!


I love to receive your comments - so please say hello. I have just been brave and turned the word verification off. Lets hope those spammy gate crashers don't get in!

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