About nothing in particular and everything in general

4 May 2015

This is going to be a bit of a random, all over the place kind of post!

Partly because I have been in a random, all over the place kind of mindset for all sorts of reasons - personal, day job, family etc.

But I feel to day as if I will have a spring in my step and can focus on my work again.

So first of all, 'In A Spanish Garden' - this is an embroidery that I finished a few years ago, had framed and hangs in my hall.

Well, a couple of blog posts back I mentioned that I had been to the Quilt and Stitch Village at Uttoxeter Racecourse.

I think I omitted to tell you that this won 3rd Prize in the Innovative Embroidery Category.

Now, I find these competitions fascinating, because in my view the other piece I entered, Abscission II was the better piece.  But hey, what do I know?  I don't judge!  These competitions are great because they have given me the confidence to put my work out there.

This photograph is pretty dire - I had to take it at an angle to try to stop the glare on the glass in the frame. But you can still see me in the bottom left hand corner!

My friend Rob and Andy (they of the beautiful bone china ) have a little corner in their new studio set up for photos with black out blinds etc. I need to think of a similar rig to take my own photos.

But talking of putting my work out there, the Open Studios is looming.

So I thought a bit of a spring clean and tidy of the studio was in order. We are actually going to use the hall and dining room to hang and display work - principally because the studio itself has limited hanging space - all windows and doors - but the plan is to have people wander around the ground floor and Jane is all for setting up demonstrations (rather hoping her Indigo Vat will make a star appearance in the garden!)

Anyway, as it was the studio was not fit for anything!  (this Photo is taken part way through the re-organisation - which lasted over 2 days!)

And a trip to IKEA was in order.

To procure this little beauty. Not cheap, but I thought I would treat myself.  I find I don't put my paints away - I seem to just want them to hand.  And the dimensions and height of this looked ideal.

To give me a spring in my step there is an old apple tree in the garden here - and just look, it is laden with blossom. And the delicate pink reminds me why apple blossom is the queen of blossoms.

And here is a detail from 'Alchemy' - it is pretty much done I think.  I really haven't shared this at all have I? It has kind of happened without my documenting the process.  I am going to try to finish it today - assemble the component parts (it has two layers) and then perhaps I will revisit it in a proper post.

And finally, for no reason than I was sitting drinking a cup of coffee, a detail from one of my table cloths.  I just looked at the print and thought how lovely, simple and effective it was.

It's a bank holiday here in the UK today, a day to myself and a day to crack on with stuff.


  1. A wonderful post! Like going window shopping in a fabulous bazaar! Congratulations on winning your embroidery prize - so HUGELY well deserved! Your work is gorgeous! I thoroughly enjoyed this wander through wonderful things - thank you. Hugs and sunshine from Shroo:)xxx

    1. Shroo - thanks for your kind words. Praise indeed from such a talented writer. Love your last post. Xx

  2. I got a pop-up lightbox for photos...

    ...and a lovely tray-trolley from Ikea too!

    Great minds think alike eh?!


    1. How big is your light box? Is it more of a light tent? ( so to speak)

  3. Super well done on the win! I have a fold down fabric light box with lamps for photos that I sometimes remember to get out to use. It does make a difference! And I have the Ikea trolley too for paints, really handy for having all to hand.

    1. My IKEA trolly is such a boon. Why didn't I get one sooner??

  4. I love a post about everything! It's been great catching up here too - well done on the prize! I'll come back to look at the videos - you're very generous in sharing your interesting finds ;) The quilt show looked wonderful & yes, you must look up Shelly Rhodes - I think I saw Janet Edgington's work at Creative Stitches in Glasgow. I also saw your Horizons piece I think it was, did I ever tell you?!

    1. Lovely to know that what I post is of interest. I never really know and sometimes it can be a bit random.

      And I did not know that my Horizons quilt had gone to Glasgow! How was it looking? I feel that a tissue based quilt is probably not ideal for travelling. I has come home, but I have not opened it yet to inspect it. I anticipate a few tears and other evidences of its wild adventures! It's been further than me!

      Good timing too - I will hang it in the Open Studios.

      Thanks so much for dropping by.

  5. Congratulations on your prize. I often forget to photogrpah my work before it's framed and it's such a nuisance trying to get round the reflections. Shelly Rhodes is an inspiring teacher and well worth researching.

    1. Thanks Julie. And you are right - I should do the photos before things are framed!

      Shelly Rhodes is one for me to follow up! I love the look of her work.


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