Columbia Road Flower Market

24 July 2012

I was in London at the weekend working for Son No 1 - and I am not really in my comfort zone doing shirt sleeves - but I was allowed a bit of time off for good behaviour and took Son No 1 to Columbia Road Flower Market.

I had forgotten how wonderful it is.  Get there early (Sunday mornings), grab a coffee, avoid the crowds and feast your eyes on the glorious colour.

And it's very convenient for the Olympics!


  1. Looks lovely, I was born in Poplar not too far away and spent a wonderful childhood there, it didnt look like that then though.x

    1. Daughter lived in Poplar for a bit. And Columbis Road has changed in the last few years. Much more trendy now!! And all week, not just on Sundays!

  2. Mum i want a collection of colourful cactusues?cacti!!


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