I may get away with it....

4 July 2012

On my last post you might have detected a little bit of stress?? Just a little bit??

Well, things may have worked out after all!

I have over printed the final design and I think I might get away with it!

What do you think?

When the printing ink is dry I will hang the fabric up and photograph it again.  


  1. I think you have technically, fab.
    What was the Brief you set yourself? I cannot remember….
    The thermofax screen looks like a rider on horseback now, in a 60's kind of way - or is that just me!?
    Do take another pick when it's dry and we can put it in Spoonflower
    Jane x

    1. I wanted to create something that you could realistically sell - that is that the time taken to create the fabric could be realistically reflected in the price (really into this with pricing kit's pieces).

      The thermofax screen is 'twigs'. In fact, doing that was very straightforward in the end. With practice you could create a couple of meters of fabric fairly quickly - the slowest bit being cutting out and setting out the circle templates. (Oh for a laser cutter like Bonnie's! Grr now I have gadget envy!)

  2. I think it looks fab. Never doubted you would make it work

    1. Thanks - in the end I won't hang my head in shame. I have it hanging on the back of the door now and am quite pleased really!!

  3. Looks good to me! I have absolutely no idea how to go about doing anything like this, so I'm a bit in awe that you could print so much fabric in one go!

    1. More by luck than judgement I think!

      It's hanging on the back of the dining room door, and it actually looks OK.

      Now just got to tidy up the portfolio, do the paperwork and we're done!

  4. It looks lovely, I know you could do it!

  5. well thats a resounding success, well done. Seeing in context will help too, I cannot wait for next week, we can have a parade of the metres.

    1. In a rash moment of enthusiasm I have even done a wee bit in another colour way!

    2. That's really great, cannot wait! x

  6. That looks really interesting now :)

  7. I think it looks great. I know from my limited experience of printing how difficult it is to get everything registered and lined up in repeat prints, so I think you've done a good job. The floor tiles add a bit of extra texture! :-) And the colours are fab.

    1. Unplanned texture!

      On the home straights now! Just got some paperwork to finish. Thanks for your kind comments.

  8. This is really pretty.

    1. Thank you very much! In the end I was very pleased with the result. The portfolio was handed in last monday. What do I do with my time now??


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