What shall I do with myself now?

11 July 2012

After 15 weeks - we have finished!

City & Guilds Creative Textiles Level 2 is done - final fabrics are printed and portfolios have been handed in.

This is what a final portfolio looks like (all neatly packaged up!)

There was a sketch book, a stitched sketch book to hold all the fabric samples and the final 1m length of fabric.

The last bit of the task was all the paper work - all the method statements, cross referencing, contents pages etc.  I know about portfolios like this - it is part of the day job after all - and it is all about 'showing and telling' the assessor what you do.

And here are our final pieces of work!


  1. Well done!! you certainly have worked hard, lovely fabrics. Whats your next step?

    1. Hello Janet.

      I am not sure if you are aware, but none of these pics are of me and my final fabric. My final piece is in my last post.

      I am actually doing a 2 day short course tomorrow and Saturday with Angie Hughes at the Bramble Patch in Northamptonshire. Timing is fairly lousy, but I booked it months ago, before I booked the C&G course.

      And then back to the Spanish Garden series I think. I have two unfinished pieces and a couple of backgrounds crying out for embroidery.

      I am not sure repeat pattern and fabric design is quite my thing, but I did enjoy the course and I think my final piece has some potential. I might experiment with some different fabric weights and colours.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Well done, but I want to see YOURS!!

    1. You can see my piece in the last post. When I get it back I will hang it up and take another photo!

  3. Always interesting to see what other people produce based on the same teaching and instructions! But some of these don't seem to be repeat patterns?


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