Exploring velvet - the next stage

20 July 2012

Angie uses a fabulous technique where you over lay organza over the base fabric.  It was from doing her courses that I developed my own technique for laying organza over decorated papers.

The organza does two things - it 'knocks back' the surface decoration and ties the design together, and it helps to protect the surface where you have used fiddly little decorative bits.

So the next stage of the exploring velvet was to add organza and then stitch.

It wrinkles a bit, but this is not too concerning.

The stitching is finished.

Then the next stage is snipping and burning - snipping away the excess organza and then using a heat gun to singe the edges.

And voila.

The black has emerged again and the leaves and flowers have come to the front.

A fabulous technique.


  1. Wow - that really zings! Good to see you stitching again.

    1. And it's good to be back on the machine again!!

      This technique has all sorts of possibilities. I have some different coloured velvets, so I am going to try some different colourways!

  2. Gosh, that all looks fatastic, what an impressive piece.

  3. Thanks. I am trying the technique again, or at least my version of it. And I will take a better picture! The gravel rather detracts.

    Thanks for your comment and stopping by.



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