Exploring more velvet...

28 July 2012

The velvet workshop with Angie Hughes was very satisfying, both in terms of the technique and the outcome.

I had some more of the IKEA velvet, so I have decided to try a variation - still using bleach but this time spraying it on to the coloured velvet  in the first instance to create the element of light.

I used green velvet and blue velvet and put some liquid bleach into an old spray bottle and give the fabric a quick blast.  Then I waited for the bleach to work it's magic.

Next I sprayed Dy Na Flow paints, as we had done with Angie, but this time I used Fuschia and lemon yellow.  Again I put them in a spray, with a little bit of water (they are fairly liquid and you don't want them too dilute, so just enough to allow the paint to pass easily through the nozzle.)

Now, at this point, with Angie, we went mad with the Quink Ink.  But, a) I didn't have any and b) I did not want to use bleach again, because the mottled background effect was very attractive.

So, I decided to add the next layer of colour in a similar way, but blocking out those areas I wanted to keep rather than bleaching out - hence freezer paper.

As I did not have any quink ink, I improvised with navy Procion dye, mixed up in warm water and added to the spray bottle.

What a fabulous colour!

Peel off the rather glorious colour freezer paper.

And then using home made stamps, acrylic paint is added.

Bit more painting and then onto the stitching.
I will come back to this and show you how it is going.


  1. Looks really good, looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

    1. Jan - thanks for your comment. Nearly at the stitching stage.

  2. Wow! it's looking great
    I'm looking forward to seeing what you do next!!

    1. Thanks. I need to decide whether to do some applique or now go straight to the sewing stage.

  3. That is really gorgeous! Lucky you having a workshop with Angie!

    1. I know!! My 'work home' is close to the Bramble Patch and Angie is a pretty regular tutor there. So I have done a few with her. I love the BP - sanctury! It even has a babling brook!


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