Coton Manor

14 August 2012

Some how, and I don't quite know how, life and other stuff has got in the way!

I don't quite know how that happened, but I have managed to grab back a bit of control.

So last weekend we discovered a fabulous garden - Coton Manor, with a fabulous pelagonum collection and   not a million miles away from The Bramble Patch. 

It had stunning flower borders

wonderful views

and an exotic little menagerie.

including Rodney the Blue and Gold Macaw, who lords it over the cafe courtyard (but would not pose for the camera!)

And it has a great little on site plant nursery where you can buy plants you see growing in the garden.

And I managed to get the sewing machine out and have started the embroidery on the latest pieces (at last!)


  1. those last two pictures of your stitching are tantalizing!

    1. I think it is the light from the machine shining on the cheap organza that gives it that glistening quality. When I have finished the stitch a lot of the organza will either be snipped or burnt away (or both). Progressing slowly but steadily.


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