Quilt Creations at Birmingham

22 August 2012

I think I may have mentioned before that for one short weekend in August, Birmingham becomes the centre of the universe - at least as far as textiles are concerned.

And quilting just not have to be two dimensional.   One of my favourite sections of the show is always the Quilt Creations section where three dimensional stitched items are displayed.  The variety and imagination can be mind blowing.  Let the pictures speak for themselves.


  1. Lucky you going to Birmingham....I 'll really make an effort to go there next year. However, am hoping to go to the Knitting and Stitching Show at Ally Pally which is also v. good. Love your blog x

    1. If I am still in this house next year (my work home as opposed to my home home) then you can come and stay and we will go together.

  2. There certainly was some lovely work in this category.

  3. Wow that 4th one from the bottom is amazing!!!! Do you know anything more about it?

    thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Kit - this is by Kate Crossley (and the photo beneath is a detail of the piece). She has a website www.katecrossley.com

      But it is absolutely fab isn't it. I love the Quilt Creations section of the Festival.

    2. Have a look here for more of her work http://www.katecrossley.com/gallery.htm


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