Stunning Gems in Stoke on Trent

31 August 2012

I had to go to Stoke on Trent for the day job yesterday.  I got lost trying to find my destination, but did manage to pass the Moorcroft factory - twice.

It was a good day and while I was there I thought I should make an effort to see the Staffordshire Hoard, which is on display in the local museum, but only until tomorrow!  So I stopped off and had a quick look.

And it is dazzling.  Some of the tiny delicate pieces are still covered in 1300 years of mud, but even with those gems the gold glints where is shines through.  If you found it in a field you would know that you were onto something a bit special.

The other thing of note was how far some of the gem stones had traveled before ending up in Anglo Saxon jewelry and how much was recycled (roman glass etc.) Hats off to those Anglo Saxons and their early take on re-cycling.

The highlight for me was this stunning stylised miniature sea horse.

There are more stunning images here if you want to have a look.


  1. They're really lovely, gave me some inspiration for some images on my paintings.
    Did you see the large stainless steel sculptures in Stoke on Trent they were made by a friend of mine Dennis O Connor?

    1. No, I have to confess I didn't. It was all a bit of a rush as I was there for work. Where are they?


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