Festival of Quilts Report 2 - Birmingham 2012

20 August 2012

There's more!  And I haven't even got out of the Art Quilts section.

This quilt is Lichen by Janine Visser from the Netherlands.  In the catalogue it is described as hand dyed cotton screen printed, discharged and painted fusible web with three panels of wool felt in mixed techniques.

 Detail from the above.

This quilt, Vikings Beware, is by Jane Appelbee and is a machine and handquilted wholecloth, hand dyed with snow (that's what it says) and coloured using markal paint sticks.

 And here is a close up of those lovely thistle heads.

One of the marshals.

The quilt below won 2nd prize and is by Barbara Lynn Tubbe from Georgetown USA.  The is raw-edged and fused applique using commercial fabrics and hand-dyed cheesecloth.  The quilt is a talisman to ward off forest fires.

Elsewhere there was a lovely gallery of the work of the late Marie Roper, who sadly died earlier this year.

You can see her blog here  (it is still live) or see a lovely review of her stand at the show here.

Here are my own photo of her stand. (Art dolls are definately growing on me)

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