Return of my mojo

8 October 2013

You may recall that a couple of blogs ago I shared the fact that I had hit a bit of a desert patch - nothing would germinate; the muse had departed etc. etc.

But then I started setting fire to things.  I told you about it here.

And then I found a rather lovely hardback sketch book on the shelf (buried under junk - the 'studio' needs a tidy up, but that's for another blog) and well, the time for that book had arrived.

It's taking me on a journey.  There is no theme - just where it will take me.

I am using Koh i nor inks for the backgrounds on this page, and then stenciling with heavy bodies acrylics.

Sticking is done with Modge Podge - it has a lovely texture and the pages don't stick together.

The baubles are painted with Inktense pencils and then highlighted with heavy bodied acryilcs.

The book that got burnt is also present here.

And then there was an old breadsticks box.  One scalpel and a session with the cutting mat later and I have some interesting stencils.

 That book again - not much evidence of burning but it is there a bit.  And the square stencil used with those acrylics again (System 3 by Daler Rowney if anyone is interested.)

Feeling pretty creative now.  Muse must have returned. 


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